miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Reflection, In class vs virtual class

I believe that the change from an indoor classroom is a big one and can be difficult for some students. We can see that it can be hard because is a very different way of teaching. First of all, student must forget about the teacher being there to remind them what they should; but, teacher is only gone in presence because he is still there for questions. I believe that the biggest problem in this step is that we are used to have an in-class teaching method. Since virtual classes are a relatively new method and we are still learning. Also, making this step involve a complete autonomous learning. Students must learn to be responsible and organized to make all activities and learn in a meaningful way. Sometimes or many times, students think that a virtual class is just about doing activities and they forget about learning something, that happens because we are still learning to take full advantage of all the options we have. I believe that a virtual class can change our whole view of what learning is and makes us independent. I dont mean to be redundant but that is my main idea, we must learn to use a virtual class and what does it involve to get a real knowledge out of it. How can we learn to use it? With real practice and actually taking it. The best way to real, for me, is a real practice and being in a real situation, making mistakes and learning from them. As we saw before, we are learning so we are allowed to make mistakes and there should be no problem at all. We can use this type of class as a very useful tool to teach students to take care of themselves. Of course, it is a two sides weapon because we don't want them to forget about this. We as teachers should explain in a concrete manner what we expect from them and give them the freedom to work but not giving them away everything. If we don't have the possibility to see them physically we can send emails to remind them in a personal way. If we do so they'll know we are there for them and we are  checking them so the are going to be evaluated and we are interested in their learning. That way, we motivate them to work, we don't damage their grade and they still learn what they should and a little extra. Finally, I think that this way students will see virtual classes as simple and new classes instead of seeing them just as online homework with no teacher.

3 comentarios:

  1. Of course I agree with you Rodrigo. As you mentioned, it is a 2 sides weapon, however, we wouldn´t know how it works until the very day in chich we apply this transition.

  2. I believe you have opened the lid on a very important issue of distance education which is that distance students might focus on completing the activities and not fulfill their roles as autonomous learners; implying self-knowledge, self-management, time management, personal goals and learning how to learn.
    Distance teachers do apply evaluations and make use of certain activities to validate that knowledge is being acquired, but how much can we actually validate when we are not really in the same room with the student?

  3. I love your reflection, I totaly agree with you in the last paragraph the students have to see the online classes as another class instead of just homework. Good Job!!!
